26 May 2009

The other side of Chile

Like you can see Chile has tow different faces that help us to refresh a little bit our heads with so much quantity of poverty. Increasingly convince me that meet new people in hostels is the best way to make good friends. everyone is with same way of thinking: Travel is the best thing of our lifes!


07 May 2009

Goodbye Santiago

"Começa uma nova etapa da nossa jornada. Viajo em direcção a Concepción e para trás ficaram muitas amizades e experiências"

So it is! While writing these phrases in my diary I received a message that moved us a lot. Was a distinguished friend whom I thank for everything he did for us. He said:

“Siempre es doloroso cuando amigos se van. Los voy a extrañar. Los considero mis grandes amigos.”

Pablo Maino, 29-03-09

22 April 2009

Chile... is this!

Last weekend we went to a fair of Chilean wines. Thanks to Pablo Maino, Sebastian Smart and Ricardo Montero for having us in your home, for showing us what's in town and for threating us so well!

Photo1: me with a big tradicinal chilean sombrero

Photo2: Ricardo, Alejandra and Sebastian,
our hosting couple

Photo3: Chilean lamb

In the end of the night there was still time to dance a litlle with some friends.

And to let some of you jealous, look to the landscape with we have to wake every day.

21 April 2009


An exchange of ideas and memories in an eclectic and distinct meeting. Thanks to Lilo's family for receiving us so warmly, share their experiences, sorrows and happiness, and for giving us to taste the best pisco sour in town. :)
Abrazo to all and a beso to Lilo (get well from your enfermedad!).

Foto: me, Daniel (the Italian traveller), Lilo's father,
Ricardo, Lilo and Sebastian

20 April 2009

Part of a Chilean family

Photo1: Carolina, Jacqueline and me in the moment of goodbye

The last few days have been quite busy. It has been difficult to find time to reflect on our experience and much less to write. A summary of our life can be described in a few words:

The Easter was three unforgettable days passed with a family in one of the many camps of Santiago who, despite having little, everything offered. We entered as strangers and left with the feeling of belonging to another family. Thanks Jacqueline!

Last week we visited several camps and participated mainly in the work tables, a cooperation between the institution and people, to develop a project with a general perspective, the same as saying monitoring and coordinating the social aspects of the community in a collective view, with the principal aim of developing the identity and sense of personal struggle.


Photo2: Camp Lo Espejo

Photo3: me and a chilean "guagua"

Photo4: family lunch with Alexis beind the camera (Carolina,
Ignácia, me, Ricardo, Alfredo, Fernando, Jacquelina and Lucho)

Photo5: me and a little "indian" girl

08 April 2009

The first balance

Like you can see on the pictures our faces have a smile that shows how we are. We can´t hide that the first contact with the people in camps was exciting and gratifying. We are being well received and admired with so much sympathy. I have been receiving your encouragement words and here it goes a thanks to all of you (support is allways welcome). I want leave a featured to Ala that has given so much to this blog ;) and a special word to Sofia(the little child with pink shirt) that in few seconds broked our hearts...

07 April 2009

First day of working

Today we presented ourselves to the organization Un Techo para Chile. It was a remarkable day, because we started immediately "working". We began to know the institution and the various departments.

Once again the Chilean sympathy was felt. They offered us lunch, bed and even asked if we wanted to spend Easter with the camp staff of the institution and the "pobladores", which we accepted immediately.

At the end of the day, we visited a camp in one of the poorest communities of the city. I saw poverty, friendship, pain and happiness. It was while moving and disconcerting! Some with so much and others with so little and yet we continue to live life with luxury which we don’t value.
